DIY Advent Calendar
If Pinterest can do it, Blog And The City can do it too! For a few dollars, I will show you how to custom your own Advent calendar.
Hey! You want to give something special to your loved one for Christmas? You are thorough and you got a lot of patience? So grab your scissors, I will show you how to build your own Advent calendar.
Ok, I must admit, I was A LITTLE inspired by Pinterest for my project. I adapted it with the material I had in hand. I did it with approximately 30 dollars, but for sure you can complete it with a smaller investment.

Step 1 : Define your concept. Mine is a Christmas tree made with paper bags.
Step 2 : You will need green and brown bags, and self-sealing numbers. I bought the bags at Michaels and the numbers at De Serres.

Step 3 : Choose 24 gift ideas. This is the most difficult part since you have to be original. Don’t forget that happiness is found in little things, especially the free ones!

Step 4 : Cut different forms using white cardboard. Each form can represent a gift type (chocolate, activities, etc).

Step 5 : Paste a form and a self-sealing number on each bag.

Step 6 : Place your memos/gifts in all 24 bags. Make sure you note which gift is where so you can follow the process!

Step 7 : Using adhesive tape, paste each bag on the wall to make a Christmas tree.
That’s it! You’ve got an Advent calendar of your own.
Isn’t it wonderful?