5 Netflix Documentaries You Must See to Open Up Your Mind
During my university semester, I definitely don't have the time to start a new series on Netflix. Although, I still enjoy taking a little time for myself and relax in front of the television.
Lately, I’ve been abusing of the “documentary” section on Netflix because I feel like it opens up my mind and it feeds it with better content than an action movie. So here is my top 5 of the best Netflix documentaries you must see to feel more intelligent when you go to sleep.
5 Netflix documentaries you must see
1. Hot Girls Wanted (2015)
I didn’t know what to expect when I started watching this documentary about juvenile pornography in the United States. It wasn’t very well rated, I must say. Although, it was very interesting to know the perspective of 18 to 21 years old girls that are in this environment. You can not only see what it’s like up close to live that way, but also how it affects their family and relationships life. I felt like this film broke some barriers when it comes to porn.
2. Detropia (2012)
This documentary explains the story and also the consequences of the decline of the city of Detroit in the United States. You can really see how it affects the city and local people. On the other hand, the film also focuses on the positive things that came out of all this. It is very interesting to see how such a big city came to fall and how it got out of it.
3. Food, Inc. (2008)
This documentary will completely change the way you eat. I myself have watched it a few times and I am still blown away and disgusted to see how we treat our food. This film expose the production of mass food and also the bad treatment we give to animals. It also talks about GMO and how it affects traditional farmers. Although the documentary is from 2008, il is still very up to date; the situation just simply got worse since then.
4. Minimalism : A Documentary About the Important Things (2016)
This documentary will really make you want to get rid of some of your things. I am myself in the process of declutering and minimizing the quantity of stuff I own and this film really inspired me. It questions our system based on consumption to find happiness and also shows how we can change that in our everyday life. It touches many subjects as for example fast fashion, tiny houses and environment.
5. Where to Invade Next (2015)
This documentary is definitely my favourite and the most important to see. It exposes different concepts from different countries all over the world that actually works. At many occasions, it even becomes frustrating to see how many injustice there is in the United States and even in Canada since we look alike. All together, the film also has black humor which make the subject lighter but still very much interesting.
So, it is sake to say I really enjoy watching documentaries that make me question myself and that impact my life. I get out of those films a little discouraged, but with more ambition to change small things in my everyday life. I feel like it teaches me a lot about the world and opens up my mind. Also, it is quite nice in between two university readings! Hurrah for Netflix documentaries.