Blog and the City nominated at the 2014 MiB Awards
Do you know the MiB Awards by Made in Blog? This contest allows current Canadian blogs to shine in a predefined area. This is this year's second edition of Made in Blog Awards. Good news: Blog and the City is nominated in two categories and you can vote until November 26th, 2014.
2014 MiB Awards
This year the Awards MiB offers 21 categories: beauty, business, cooking, culture & entertainment, home design, DIY/craft, environment & health, family, humor, video games, lifestyle, wedding, social media and marketing , fashion, photography, going out/restaurants, sports, technology, wine & spirits, vlogue, travel and tourism. You can see the blogs nominated and vote by going directly to the site Here are our nominations:
It is true that the City Blog and covers more varied subject and all that encompasses interests and lifestyle. To vote for Blog and the City in the lifestyle category, click here.
Going out and restaurants
Yes, the #FoodAndTheCity section of the blog occupies a prominent place, thanks to our curious foodies bloggers! To vote for Blog and the City in the category going out and restaurants here.
Readers who vote have the opportunity to participate in MiB Awards contests. To win: Smart Set gift cards, credit Uber, Clarisonic Mia 2.
Thank you!