Life guide Sex and the City style
Fan of Sex and the City? Here is an article for you , light as a Cosmopolitan , which will refresh your memory on what Carrie Bradshaw and his accomplices could teach you about life through hundreds of shows and two films ( almost 3 !). And for those who are behind the series or even movies, it is even more important for you to read this article so do not miss anything !
Ladies , I am certainly late about the trend of the Sex and the City serie, but I recently fell in love with it. I had seen the movies , of course , but never the series. I can tell you that listening again to the movies later, I understood everything !
Nothing to do with the two films, the emissions are soooooo much better ! I became an addict inevitably.
From the top of my 21 years, I feel more concerned today that if I had listened to it at 5 years old… Although, I admit, it starts to get old and outfits that are no longer up to date , I find that situations of Carrie , Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are still very up to date.
So that’s it! I came with the idea to present the 10 quotes to remember, in my opinion, in Sex and the City.
This applies for Montreal too…
Dress to impress!
It doesn’t only happens to others… believe me…
Yes, of course!
But nothing happens for nothing.
Nothing is more true…
We always want what we don’t have, right? We need to appreciate what we have and enjoy the moment.
Sometimes, you just can’t force things.
If you don’t feel it, it probqbly isn’t working. It’s like wearing shoes too tight… at the beginning, it’s ok, but at the end of the day you will hurt yourself or break the shoes… (wouh, what a metaphor!)
Stay wild and run free…
Mainly, stay yourself and someone will come along the way.
The struggle…
A classic et it will stay that way forever!
Unconditional love
Whether it’s family, friends or love it is important to keep close and take good care. This is called unconditional love. They will help you get through the difficult stages.
Gotta love yourself.
This one is not from Candace Bushnell, author of Sex and the City itself I doubt it. It’s an old quote, but so true. You might get tired to hear and see this quote, but it is still sooo important. If you are not in love with yourself, how can you conceive that someone fall in love with you ?
This one’s my favorite!
And if nothing works for you…
Do like Carrie!
Je dedicate this article to my soulmates ♥